
Inspection of the producing fields

In October this year we have inspected the producing fields of the Areca seeds in El Salvador and Costa Rica . By assessing right on the spot the condition of the maternal plants and discussing about the growth of the plants , as well as the best timing for harvest, we guarantee we are able to deliv...


Inspecting the harvest of chamaedorea seeds in Mexico

In de sub tropical hills of Mexico the Chamaedorea palm is growing. This is a native species , and does not grow fruit in many other places in the world. Seeds are ripening from October to January . The mother plants grow as a understory of the Forrest. The seeds are hand picked at the right age of ...


Flora Holland Trade Fair 2015

FLORA HOLLAND TRADE FAIR 2015 is by far the most professional exhibition regarding pot plants and flowers in the Dutch trade market. Both Aardam and Tropical Seeds are present to inspire you for the future from 4 until 6 November in Aalsmeer at booth nr. 20.1 .  ...


Hardiness zones

Hardiness zones maps are used to determine if a specific plant can be grown in the climate of a specific location. They are used by gardeners as well as professional growers. Hardiness zones were firstly used by the department of agriculture(USDA) in the United States but today also widely used in t...



The IPM ESSEN is the world’s leading trade fair for horticulture. As the only trade fair of its kind, it covers the entire value added chain: from plants and technology, floristry and garden features to the point-of-sale.AARDAM and TROPICAL SEEDS will be represented again at stand 2E42 in Hall 2. ...


Aardam and Tropical Seeds A good start is half the work

Aardam is an agricultural company specialising in producing young plant material for professional indoor plant growers worldwide. Tropical Seeds BV specialises in supplying tropical seeds for the professional market, such as nurseries and brokers around the globe. Our companies are situated in Aarl...


Flora Holland Trade Fair 2014

FLORA HOLLAND TRADE FAIR 2014 is by far the most professional exhibition regarding pot plants and flowers in the Dutch trade market. Both Aardam and Tropical Seeds are present to inspire you for the future from 5 until 7 November in Aalsmeer at booth nr. 15.6 .  ...


We declare that our products are free of genetically modified organisms (GMO).

GMO stands for genetically manipulated organisms (with a negative connotation) or genetically modified organisms (neutral term). Genetic modification involves manually and intentionally altering the genes of an organism by humans and is part of genetic engineering. All by Tropicalseeds B....


IPM exhibition in Essen - Germany

From the 28th until the 31st of January 2014 the IPM exhibition took place in Essen Germany. The largest international plant exhibition in Germany and the most important market for house- and garden plants in Europe. Naturally Aardam Tropical Plants and Tropical Seeds where represented. At Booth 2E4...


CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is a multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals. It was drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUC...


Rechearch by WUR Wageningen on chamaedorea elegans

At world leading research faculty Wageningen UR find a 3-year study place. These tests are done in the field in Mexico and in the research facility of the WUR. It concerns research into the characteristics that are transmitted through the seed from parent to offspring. To follow the differe...


Seed counting machine

Watch our seed counting machine in this movie.   // ...


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