Delivery terms

Tropical Seeds BV

Phytosanitary Certificate

Many countries require a Phytosanitary certificate to allow a shipment of seeds to enter their borders. This Phytosanitary Certificate is issued by our agricultural inspectors (NAK-T) and accompanies a shipment of seeds to declare its apparent freedom from harmful organisms such as insects, fungus, or specific for the country forbidden organism.

Most European country’s do not require a Phytosanitary certificate or import permit, Also Canada (except for large orders), Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and Australia (except for large orders).

The following countries require a Phytosanitary certificate: Canary Islands (large orders only), Canada (large orders only), Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Senegal, Sudan, South Africa, Réunion, Mayotte, Pakistan, China, Taiwan, and Australia (large orders only), China and India Mexico, Barbados, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, Egypt, U.A.E., Malaysia, Indonesia, or New Caledonia, New Zealand

United States of America: Since January 22nd, 2002, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is enforcing a Phytosanitary certificate requirement when importing any plant products, including seeds, into the USA. In order to comply with this new regulation, we will automatically accompany every shipment to the United States with a Phytosanitary certificate, To facilitate the issuing of Phytosanitary certificates and to legally import plant material into the US, you should have an USDA import permit. If you have one, please let us know your permit number.

Special requirements for Phytosanitary certificates or other declarations can be met for practically any destination worldwide. When you have a import permit with the specific requirement of your country we can apply for this at the Dutch VWA authorities. Tropical seeds can also provide other necessary certificates as : seedanalyse, non wood declaration,EUR-A

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